Saturday, 13 August 2016

BABY X by Rebecca Ann Smith

4 out of 5 stars

Medical Thriller

On Amazon UK HERE
On Goodreads HERE

Reviewed by me as a member of Rosie Amber's Review Team 

Baby X would come under the subsection of 'medical thriller', I presume.  Human interest comes in the form of Karen and Robert Frey, a couple who have suffered miscarriages and try all sorts of methods to become pregnant, eventually agreeing to IVG, which is a process by which the egg is fertilised outside the body and the foetus gestates in an artificially prepared womb.

The thriller part comes in the form of doctor Alex Mansfield, who has a great deal to think about apart from Karen and Rob's plight and the growth of Baby X, not least of all the shady medical experiment company Verlaine, and their plans for the future of childbirth.

The book is very well written, nicely paced, not too long, and I enjoyed it.  The mental deterioration of Alex and the dilemmas faced by Karen are convincing, and the author obviously knows her subject.  The medical information is completely outside my sphere of knowledge, but it's not too difficult to understand, even for a childfree person like myself.

Who would enjoy it?  Any women who have ever suffered any problems with fertility; I imagine they would find it fascinating.  Any women who have had experienced pregnancy and childbirth, too, I should think, and are okay with reading something quite hard-hitting; this is a thriller, not a yummy mummy book!   It's good.  I haven't got anything negative to say about it.

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