Saturday 28 March 2015

QUARTERLY ROUND UP: January - March 2015

I've read lots of books so far this year!  Now that I've started this review blog, I thought I'd do a round-up once a quarter of my favourite ten books of the past three months.  All those featured have a rating of over 4*.  I've given a brief description of each book; if you click each title it takes you to the full review and buy links.  I won't include two by the same writer (for purposes of interest and variation), but if there is another I've read in this quarter that I've enjoyed as much or thereabouts, I'll give it a mention, too.

Here, in no particular order, is my Top Ten from January, February and March 2015

1.  Once Upon A Time In The City Of Criminals by Mark Barry

Brilliant, shocking, contemporary drama about a small-time crook who falls in love with a beautiful young woman.

2. Inkker Hauser Part II - Literastein by Phil Conquest

Novella about an eccentric young man with delusions both literary and romantic.

3.  The Turning Of The World by John Privilege

Realistic post apocalyptic drama set in Northern Ireland.

4. Mantle of Malice by April Taylor

Alternative history - part 3 of The Tudor Enigma series: Anne Boleyn lives on, and a lowly apothecary with unusual talents...  see also Taste of Treason

5. The Great Law of Peace by Zoe Saadia

Native American historical fiction, about the Iroquois; part 3 of the Peacemaker series ~ see also Across The Great Sparkling Water

6.  The Goddard Affair by Scott Marlowe

Sharp, witty fantasy adventure novella about an assassin.

7.  Living By Ear by Mary J Rowen

Former busker Chris Daley has difficulty taking on a conventional lifestyle 

8.  Mad World by Kate L Mary

The third and best in the Broken World series - US zombie apocalypse 

9.  Six Months To Get A Life by Ben Adams

A father heading for middle age struggles through life post-divorce

10.  A Divided Inheritance by Deborah Swift

17th century historical fiction - I am only half way through this book but it's so good I had to include it!  Please click the title for Amazon UK link.  Full review coming soon. 

A final word: I'd recommend these ten to anyone; all writers are excellent and I've read more than one book by seven of them.  Whether going it alone, published by an indie press or traditionally published, it's getting harder and harder for writers to get noticed as the market becomes increasingly flooded; those with the right contacts and a publicity machine behind them overshadow those who are just as good at what they do but on their own when it comes to marketing.  If you're an avid reader, please do take the time to look at book blogs and pick up recommendations, rather than just heading automatically for the bestseller shelves; you never know what you might discover.  Oh, and please, please take five minutes to leave a review, if you don't mind doing so; just a line to say what you though of it is enough, don't think you have to write a full literary critique!  Reviews help make books more 'visible' on Amazon, and are a great recommendation to others; they make a writer's job just that little bit easier.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you have found something that appeals to you; may you find joy, escapism, comfort and adventure between the pages!


  1. Some great books in this line up.

  2. A fantastic list!

  3. Thanks for including mine - very flattered! Made a list of all the rest now so i can try them.

  4. I'm loving it, Deborah - not had much reading time this week but it's never hard to get back into, as the best ones aren't :)
