Tuesday, 23 December 2014

NEVER SAY SORRY by Rose Edmunds

4 out of 5 stars

Cancer cure conspiracy thriller, high finance

Originally posted on Amazon UK HERE on 31 October 2014
On Amazon.com HERE

I was pretty impressed with this; the plot is very well put together, with few of the traits so often to be found in a debut novel. I was interested in the subject matter anyway, ie, a conspiracy to prevent the widespread knowledge about a cure for cancer, much of which I am sure goes on. It was obvious that Ms Edmunds is well versed in the ways of the high-flying financial world, too. The whole story was very convincing.

A clever plot is nothing without great characters, of course, and although I found some of them a little one dimensional, one of the two main characters, Hugo, a reluctant and atypical city boy, was marvellously portrayed, and carried the whole book, making it more than just a thriller. He was very likeable and I found myself pleased when I got to more 'Hugo bits'.

If you like stories with plenty going on and no superfluous detail, especially those about the world of high finance, I'd say this should be right up your street. Well done, Ms Edmunds!

CONCEALMENT by Rose Edmunds reviewed HERE


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