Monday 9 September 2024

SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS by Sally Cronin @sgc58

 5 GOLD stars

On Amazon (universal link)
On Goodreads

How I discovered this book: I've long been impressed by Sally's nutrition articles on her blog, so bought this when it came out.

In a Nutshell: Comprehensive guide to weight loss, exercise, nutrition and so much more.

This has to be the best book of its type that I've ever read.  Whether you want to lose a lot of weight, the odd stone, or simply to have a better understanding of nutrition and how your body works, I can't recommend this too highly.  Sally Cronin is a qualified, experienced nutritional therapist.

I consider myself to be an 'old hand' when it comes to nutrition, but the book taught me a whole lot more, and reminded me about (a few too many) aspects that I'd let slip.  I've just eaten a (lightly fried in olive oil) egg, smoked salmon and raw mushrooms for lunch - if I hadn't just read this book, the mushrooms might have been fried too, and I'd have included a slice of toast, albeit sourdough!  Also, for a long time now, when I've bought vegetables to last a few days, I've prepared them and put them in plastic zip-lock bags in the fridge, for easy use later in the day.  No longer - I've just discovered that this practice destroys half their nutritional value.  Who knew?

Sally's book reminded me, over and over again, that most of what we eat needs to be in its natural state, cooked from scratch; if we eat too much industrially produced, ultra-processed food we can suffer from malnutrition while still being overweight.  She includes shopping lists of all we need to obtain every vitamin and mineral, and how to facilitate the production of vital amino acids.  Throughout, she does not just give instruction, but tells you why.

As well as nutritional advice, the book contains detailed chapters about exercise, along with details of how many calories are burned by everyday activities, about the emotional reasons for overeating, advice on how to plan your weight loss programme, and there's an excellent recipe section at the back.  Sally also talks (in a refreshingly honest way) about her own experience - the long road that took her from morbidly obese to slim, healthy and positive.

Take it from one who knows.  This book is an absolute 'must have' for anyone who wants to lose weight and/or take care of their own health.


  1. I've quite a few good habits that I've let slip too!
    I didn't know mushrooms could be eaten raw!

    1. It happens to us all Gloria and I am no different... it is find the point to slip back into gear again that is key. And as long as mushrooms have been thoroughly washed they can be eaten raw.

    2. I meant to add that you must make sure your mushrooms are safe to eat raw.. most button, shitake etc are fine... but if you are foraging for mushrooms double check.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous review on your blog as well Terry. Very much appreciated and love your take on the book and endorsement.

  3. Hi, Terry:

    I'm so happy that you featured Sally on your blog. I read SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS and I found it to be an exceptional compilation of very worthy information. It was clear how much Sally put into this book, a topic I know is so very dear to her heart.

    I agree. This book is a "must have."

    x Lisette

    1. Thanks again so much Lisette for you amazing review and for boosting again here.. ♥

    2. Thank you Lisette for another endorsement for the book... I am very grateful for the support.

  4. Sally, I'm more than happy to spread the word!

    Lisette - what you said! I loved the way it was set out, too - the lists and carefully organised categories, which made finding the required information easy!

  5. Hi Terry. What a fantastic review for Sally's book. You are so right. This book is a must have. Hugs <3 xx

    1. Thanks Debby... and for all the support for the book ♥

  6. Me again. Lol, I don't think my name came up here - It's me D.G. Kaye <3

    1. It's okay, it did!!!! I can't even log onto my comments properly myself!!! Just sent the link to a friend who says she is determined to get rid of some excess poundage :)

    2. Thanks for passing along Terry... ♥
