Wednesday 26 December 2018

How do we discover the books we read?

At the end of last year, I did a quick count up of how I discovered all the books I had reviewed (I don't review all of them on my blog; if I have little to say, it might be just a short paragraph on Amazon), and how I discovered them.  It's HERE, if you would like to take a look.   I think the results of such count-ups are interesting for both readers and book bloggers, but most of all for writers; I will let you draw your own conclusions!

Now and again the categories collide; for instance, if a favourite author submits a book that I would have bought anyway, to Rosie's blog.  In this case, I chose the one I felt most apt.  Here are the results. 📚

How I discovered the books I read (or started to read/will finish soon) in 2018

Rosie Amber's Book Review Team, of which I am a member ~ 
authors submit their books to a list, and team members 
choose those that appeal to them.

Read one, went back for more 
This might mean a favourite author whose new books I always pounce on, or just one book bought because I liked Book 1 of a series enough to want to know what happened, even if I never got round to the whole series.  
Either way, it's that all-important 'did I like it enough to read more?' question.
Amazon Browse/recommendations on Kindle
When browsing, usually through 'also boughts'

Book Blog
Read a review of it, or feature about the author; 
either the book or the author interested me enough to buy

Either via a random tweet, or after talking to the author

Review Request
I do not take submissions, but on occasion a writer I know 
through social media might ask me for a review. 

Recommendation from friend

Bought after watching a TV programme/film.

Re-reading of an old classic

Present from a friend


  1. Interesting blog, Terry...nice to meet you. I will follow you on Twitter as well. From a long time author (been a writer for over 46 years with 27 published novels since 1984) Kathryn Meyer Griffith

    1. Thanks, Kathryn! I will follow back, of course. x

  2. How often do you reread classics in general? I go through spurts where I read a ton of them, and then I take very long breaks.
