Saturday 22 April 2023

GLASS HALF BROKEN by Rachel Richards #RBRT

4 out of 5 stars

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How I discovered this book: it was submitted to Rosie's Book Review Team, of which I am a member.

In a Nutshell: fast-paced drama around the theme of a serious psychological disorder.

A strange novel, this one, about law student Annie Bell who suffers from a form of schizophrenic disorder involving delusions and hallucinations, as well as self-harming.  Billed as a 'thrilling psychological suspense novel', the writing style made it feel more like dark, disturbing chick lit, oxymoronic though that observation is.  This is not a complaint - I liked the style very much, as a witty approach to dark subject matter totally works for me if executed well, and this is.  

The story takes the reader through traumatic events in Annie's childhood and up to her early twenties, as she finishes studying to become a lawyer.  Throughout, she is often unable to separate reality from imagination, inventing relationships with individuals that don't exist, to the extent that she believes herself to be living a life contrary to actual events.  I know nothing about this sort of illness, but I did wonder why her mother and her best friend didn't realise that there was something seriously, dangerously wrong with her early on, and that she needed intensive psychiatric care.  I also wondered how she was able to maintain her studies, given that half the time she was literally living in a fantasy world.

Throughout the book we read about the people with whom Annie comes into contact; usually it was clear who was real and who was a product of her illness, though now and again I wasn't sure!  I admit to being disappointed by the ending, which seemed to wrap it all up too nicely, but on the whole I enjoyed reading this book very much.

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